Quality products aren’t just about design and durability. We go further to ensure integrity in the entire manufacturing process. From ethical sourcing and environmentally conscious materials, right through to robust testing and iteration, we take a proactive approach to ensure integrity in our products, processes and people.




We are unwavering in our commitment to product quality and excellent service delivery to our customers. To ensure that quality is maintained and continuously improved, we have established and implemented a management system based on the ISO 9001 Quality Standard. As evidence of our success in this regard, our system is fully certified by SAI Global – the leading certifier in the Asia-Pacific region.

if-icon-70-document-file-pdf-315672.png   View our ISO Certification

if-icon-70-document-file-pdf-315672.png   View our Quality Policy


Environment environment-iso-14001-cmyk3282-15176-.jpg

We are dedicated to playing our part in protecting the environment and have incorporated many environmental control measures into our operations and product specifications. Our management system includes the controls required by the ISO 14001 Environmental Management Standard, and we achieved certification to that standard July 2018.

if-icon-70-document-file-pdf-315672.png   View our ISO Certification

if-icon-70-document-file-pdf-315672.png   View our Environmental Policy


Human Rights                                                      


We have a strict evaluation process when selecting factories to manufacture our products. We only work with companies with a proven track record in quality and ethical manufacturing. The Business Social Compliance Initiative (BSCI) is a qualification and audit system which aims to establish a common, cross-industry platform for monitoring social compliance in global supply chains. Wherever possible we choose factories who have BSCI accreditation.

The BSCI Code of Conduct covers core labour rights, including:

  • Fair remuneration
  • Decent working hours
  • No child labour
  • Protection for young workers
  • No bonded labour
  • No discrimination
  • Occupational health and safety
  • Ethical business behaviour
  • Protection for the environment



We strongly support the ten principles of the UN Global Compact with respect to human rights, labour, environment and anti-corruption.

We are committed to making the Global Compact and its principles part of the strategy, culture and day-to-day operations of our company.